Monday, March 16, 2015

Inspired Investment

Magna Vista High School Junior

I made it through the first audition on The Voice and was put on the list for a call back audition for next season.

About Me: I'm very quiet most of the time, and I just absolutely love singing. I started singing at a very young age and I come from a family of singers. I've wanted to be a singer for quite some time now.
Quote that Inspires Me: "Do it because they said you couldn't"
Motivation: All of my family is my motivation; they support me no matter what and that means a lot to me.
Future Plans: I want to attend college and major in Criminal Justice, but singing will be my plan B.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Innovative Invention

Magna Vista High School Senior

I'm working to complete a project as part of becoming an Eagle Scout. With the help of many others, I built several Little Free Libraries, which are outlets for means of sharing books with the community. I wanted to do something different and encourage reading.

About Me:
I am a senior at Magna Vista High School where I play the trumpet in the marching band and am president of the National Honor Society. I am a member of Boy Scout Troop 168 and am currently working on my Eagle Scout project. My hobbies include reading, hiking, and birding. I also enjoy drawing and painting when I find the time. I attend Piedmont Governor's School and hope to get my Associate's Degree this Spring.
Quote that Inspires Me: "It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Albus Dumbledore
Motivation: My motivation is conveyed by a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote: "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." In my life, I do not simply want to follow the crowd, but I want to explore the world, make my own way, and inspire other people to do the same.
Future Plans: I've been accepted to Longwood University and Roanoke College. I have also applied to the University of Richmond. I plan to major in Communications or English. One day, I would like to hike the Appalachian Trail.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Inspired Innovation

Bassett High School Senior

I won the district American Legion Oratorical Competition. Post 78 is sponsoring me as I move forward to regional competition in the American Legion Oratorical Competition where I will be eligible for scholarship money. The Oratorical Competition has two parts: a speech (approximately 8-10 minutes) about aspects of the Constitution and a formal discussion of an assigned topic – mine was based on 19th Amendment. 

About Me: I am a drum major in the marching band and on the band advisory committee, a board member for CHILL, and am completing my Associate’s Degree through the ACE program.

Quote that Inspires Me: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”  -Albert Einstein

Motivation: My goals as a student are to be successful, to make my family proud, and to serve my community well. I don’t see life as a competition, but I want to be great at what I do, no matter what it is I’m doing.

Future Plans: I’ve been accepted to VCU and am still waiting to hear from UVA, Wake Forest, and William & Mary. I want to be a Social Studies teacher.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Henry County Public Schools is such an exciting place to work and learn! Wait until you hear about the phenomenal staff and students we have to feature!